Sweet Silver Creations

4.5 inch Kelly patterns page 6

Home | Finished Outfits | 4.5" Kelly p. 1 | 4.5" Kelly p. 2 | 4.5" Kelly p. 3 | 4.5" Kelly p. 4 | 4.5" Kelly p. 5 | 4.5" Kelly p. 6 | DOTW | Tommy | 6 inch Kelly | Krissy | Nikki | 5" Berenguer | 18" AG and Mini AG | Barbie/Bratz | About Us | Links/Shipping

Each pattern set has been typed up in microsoft wordpad and saved as a PDF file to my computer. The PDF will be emailed to you once I receive payment. These are large files, please make sure you have enough room in your email account for them.

I do not mind anyone selling their finished product from my patterns. However, these patterns are copyright protected. They are for your personal use only.

This collection of patterns may not be resold in part, as a whole or by adding to it. With your purchase, you are agreeing to these terms.

Barbershop Quartet
 photo Kelly-BarberShopQuartet.jpg
Item #301

 photo Tommy-Hansel.jpg
Item #302

 photo Kelly-Gretel.jpg
Item #303

Cat in the Hat
 photo Kelly-CatintheHat1.jpg
Item #304

 photo Kelly-Rainbow1.jpg
Item #305

Uncle Sam
 photo Tommy-UncleSam1.jpg
Item #306

George Washington
 photo Tommy-GeorgeWashington2.jpg
Item #307

Martha Washington
 photo Kelly-MarthaWashington1.jpg
Item #308

 photo Kelly-Dots2.jpg
Item #309

Captain America
 photo Tommy-CaptainAmerica2.jpg
Item #310

 photo Tommy-Flash1.jpg
Item #311

Daisy Duke
 photo Kelly-DaisyDuke1.jpg
Item #312

 photo 036be4c7-ae43-4159-b913-a8063aba3b81.jpg
Item #313

 photo 67c70b0d-54fe-459d-b747-f81791b14c85.jpg
Item #314

 photo f797e593-45cc-4e93-b92f-42d824a49a5e.jpg
Item #315

Rapunzel's Prince
 photo cbe37fc8-ecd5-4bf8-afee-4636af9d1b6f.jpg
Item #316

Apple  photo 44cd945c-ea35-411b-b86c-9402d4b909c1.jpg Item #317

Captain Kangaroo
 photo 80a2f52c-b533-4f53-b843-b3e59ac3a2b2.jpg
Item #318

Cinderella 2
 photo 0c0a56b6-fce3-481c-a746-87ba540e46f0.jpg
Item #319

Cinderella's Prince
 photo 6867f0b8-e0ee-4a5e-90e9-1e73ec3fe0ab.jpg
Item #320

Male Victorian Christmas Caroler
 photo 4bff00c1-75ce-47ce-9625-60a559661805.jpg
Item #321

Female Victorian Christmas Caroler
 photo 84134406-9b3b-4a23-8558-d27b123b4305.jpg
Item #322

Male Old English Christmas Caroler
 photo b878df56-69e5-4955-9141-405655622aa8.jpg
Item #323

Female Old English Christmas Caroler
 photo ec77e057-4558-4e10-b04c-72862f192091.jpg
Item #324

Male Dicken's Christmas Caroler
 photo fe548002-88d0-4256-87d0-aff9af137e9d.jpg
Item #325

Female Dicken's Christmas Caroler
 photo e13f704e-14f4-4003-a3e8-546566522d69.jpg
Item #326

Raggedy Anne
 photo 7d011f45-b838-4d85-a223-9cabac9e632a.jpg
Item #327

 photo 9d3440d2-8e8c-474f-a653-b1a22cd614b9.jpg
Item #328

Gum Drop
 photo f3190a0c-54ad-4741-a887-a21e59b2ddc4.jpg
Item #329

Paper Boy
 photo 2d50c581-a81a-4741-bd0e-7d3f7464ce66.jpg
Item #330

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Sweet Silver Creations Glasgow Missouri 65254